Free AI Writing Tools

Free AI Writing Tools for Marketers

Powered by GrowthBar, the #1 AI writing tool for SEOs. Write 10x faster, get more creative, and rank on Google.

4.9/5 stars and loved by over 4,000 customers

GrowthBar Tools

Quantitative Research and Source Workflow

Use GrowthBar’s AI Chat directly in the Content Generator to find useful research (including the source to use as an external link).

Paragraph Rewriter

Harness the power of AI to rewrite and reword paragraphs of text with GrowthBar. Use it for essays, blog posts, love letters, or wherever else you need some writing assistance.

Blog Idea Generator

Research and find keywords. Then, create incredible blog ideas in seconds using AI. Writer’s block no more with GrowthBar’s AI blog idea generator.

Meta Description Generator

Want to create a meta description, but unsure how to start? GrowthBar has you covered with its AI meta description generator. Create 160 characters of pure gold.

Email Newsletter Generator

Want to create an email newsletter, but unsure how to start? GrowthBar has you covered with its AI email newsletter generator. Create paragraph after paragraph of engaging email content in one click.

Sales Email Generator

Want to create a sales email, but unsure how to start? GrowthBar has you covered with its AI sales email generator. Enter a little information below, including your “ask” and get quippy, engaging sales emails 10x faster.

Intro Paragraph Generator

With GrowthBar, you can create long-form blog posts in half the time. You can also generate quick introductory paragraphs with AI.

Sentence Rewriter

Harness the power of AI to rewrite and reword sentences of text with GrowthBar. Use it for essays, blog posts, love letters, or wherever else you need some writing assistance.

Dominate Your Niche With GrowthBar

Research write and optimize content with AI.

Common Questions

  • Who should use GrowthBar?
    GrowthBar is the highest-rated AI writing tool on G2. It's an end-to-end tool for researching, writing, and optimizing SEO content -- using intelligent algorithms and AI. GrowthBar is for anyone who wants to write content 10x faster and get more organic traffic. That audience includes marketing agencies, in-house marketers, content creators, and editors.
  • Does GrowthBar work in other languages?
    GrowthBar works in about 20 languages and 25 countries. This means you can write in most languages and optimize your content for the country you care about ranking in. "Write in Portuguese and optimize my content to rank in Brazil" -- GrowthBar can do that. "Write in English and optimize my content to rank in France" -- GrowthBar can do that too.
  • Can I use GrowthBar on client sites?
    Yes, you can use GrowthBar on client sites. In fact, almost half of our customers are agencies!
  • What is the GrowthBar Chrome Extension?
    The 5-star rated GrowthBar Chrome Extension comes free with every subscription. It enables you to write with AI in WordPress and get keyword and competitive insights while you Google search. Simply download it, then activate it in your Chrome top toolbar (if you don't see it immediately, click the puzzle piece icon and find it).
  • Do you offer refunds?
    It depends on when you submit your refund request. We offer a 100% money back guarantee if you ping us back within the 7 days after the expiration of your free trial. You can reach us any time at [email protected] if you have questions.
  • Who created GrowthBar?
    GrowthBar was created by Hailey and Mark -- the founders of Growth Marketing Pro, the largest growth marketing blog on the internet. Today, GrowthBar is a full-time remote team of marketers and developers devoted to creating the best SEO tool for content creators. Our team is spread across Northern California, Southern California, New York, North Carolina, Pakistan, and Ukraine.
  • How does GrowthBar compare to other tools?
    GrowthBar has 5 stars on Capterra and 4.9 stars on G2 for a reason! It generates AI content with superior algorithms that practically write and optimize your blog posts for you. Even more, GrowthBar does keyword research, rank tracking, and backlink research like big SEO tools you've heard of. Bottom line: if you want the tool that will actually increase your web traffic, try GrowthBar.
  • Where does GrowthBar get data?
    We pride ourselves on data quality. Our data is aggregated from proprietary algorithms and trusted data providers including industry-leading Google Ads tool, SpyFu and OpenAI's natural language model, GPT-3. There are different methods for gathering different types of information but the high standard of quality across our databases remains the same.
  • Is GrowthBar content plagiarized?
    No, GrowthBar's content is 100% unique.
  • Does Google penalize AI content?

    Google has come out and said that it is not against AI content. Google does not care who – or what – writes your content, as long as that content is written to help people and not to manipulate the search results. This means that you should edit, fact-check, and make sure your AI-enabled articles are of high quality.

  • Can I use GrowthBar to audit existing articles?
    Yes, GrowthBar has an article import feature. Simply enter the URL of the page or post in the Content Generator, wait a few seconds, and voila! GrowthBar imports your existing article so that you can add to it with AI writing and optimize by following GrowthBar's SEO best practices.
  • How does AI writing work?
    GrowthBar's AI and proprietary algorithms guide you in researching, writing, and optimizing content. GrowthBar has been trained on 175 billion parameters, from books to websites, to research text. It has extracted an accurate understanding of natural language and combines those learnings when you instruct it to research a keyword or write for you.

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