Quantitative Research and Source Workflow

Workflow #1: How to access research and quantitative statistics

Research and expertise are two really important elements when it comes to creating SEO-optimized content. With AI, accessing information can be an efficient process that is easily built into your content writing workflow. Use GrowthBar’s AI Chat directly in the Content Generator to find useful research (including the source to use as an external link). Check out the example below

Get research and data quickly with AI Assistant built into your content writing process with GrowthBar

Save time planning and writing content. Need to brainstorm new blog post ideas or write a quick paragraph with AI? GrowthBar has you covered. Simply enter any keyword and GrowthBar does the rest — generating 100% unique content.

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GrowthBar Tools

Quantitative Research and Source Workflow

Use GrowthBar’s AI Chat directly in the Content Generator to find useful research (including the source to use as an external link).

Paragraph Rewriter

Harness the power of AI to rewrite and reword paragraphs of text with GrowthBar. Use it for essays, blog posts, love letters, or wherever else you need some writing assistance.

Blog Idea Generator

Research and find keywords. Then, create incredible blog ideas in seconds using AI. Writer’s block no more with GrowthBar’s AI blog idea generator.

Meta Description Generator

Want to create a meta description, but unsure how to start? GrowthBar has you covered with its AI meta description generator. Create 160 characters of pure gold.

Email Newsletter Generator

Want to create an email newsletter, but unsure how to start? GrowthBar has you covered with its AI email newsletter generator. Create paragraph after paragraph of engaging email content in one click.

Sales Email Generator

Want to create a sales email, but unsure how to start? GrowthBar has you covered with its AI sales email generator. Enter a little information below, including your “ask” and get quippy, engaging sales emails 10x faster.

Intro Paragraph Generator

With GrowthBar, you can create long-form blog posts in half the time. You can also generate quick introductory paragraphs with AI.

Sentence Rewriter

Harness the power of AI to rewrite and reword sentences of text with GrowthBar. Use it for essays, blog posts, love letters, or wherever else you need some writing assistance.