Keyword Research Tool

Keyword Research

Get billions of keywords, related long-tail searches, search volume, competitiveness, and much more.

The data you need

Be smart with your content. Find keyword arbitrage by performing advanced keyword research with GrowthBar. For any query in 20+ languages, GrowthBar will return:

Related long-tail keywords: Never run out of keyword ideas. Get up to 200 related queries for any keyword.

Keyword difficulty score: GrowthBar’s keyword score calculates how hard it will be to rank for your keyword based on the current top-ranking pages and their domain authority and domain age.

Search volume: Accurate search volume from a database of over 2 billion keywords.

Google Ads cost-per-click estimate: See what advertisers are willing to pay for the keyword in question.

Value of position 1: A proprietary GrowthBar metric, the value of position 1 is the intelligence you need to understand how profitable a keyword could be for your business. It’s calculated via a combination of clickthrough rate assumptions and Google CPC.

Use your keywords to plan and write content

So you’ve found keywords and decided which are worth pursuing. Now what? Simply enter a keyword into any of our AI writing features and GrowthBar does the rest — generating 100% unique content for even the most technical and difficult-to-write blog posts.

Crazy accurate

GrowthBar keyword data is enriched by industry leading provider, SpyFu, as well as actual clickstream query data. All that means accurate related keywords and search volume estimates. Try GrowthBar now →

GrowthBar Tools

Quantitative Research and Source Workflow

Use GrowthBar’s AI Chat directly in the Content Generator to find useful research (including the source to use as an external link).

Paragraph Rewriter

Harness the power of AI to rewrite and reword paragraphs of text with GrowthBar. Use it for essays, blog posts, love letters, or wherever else you need some writing assistance.

Blog Idea Generator

Research and find keywords. Then, create incredible blog ideas in seconds using AI. Writer’s block no more with GrowthBar’s AI blog idea generator.

Meta Description Generator

Want to create a meta description, but unsure how to start? GrowthBar has you covered with its AI meta description generator. Create 160 characters of pure gold.

Email Newsletter Generator

Want to create an email newsletter, but unsure how to start? GrowthBar has you covered with its AI email newsletter generator. Create paragraph after paragraph of engaging email content in one click.

Sales Email Generator

Want to create a sales email, but unsure how to start? GrowthBar has you covered with its AI sales email generator. Enter a little information below, including your “ask” and get quippy, engaging sales emails 10x faster.

Intro Paragraph Generator

With GrowthBar, you can create long-form blog posts in half the time. You can also generate quick introductory paragraphs with AI.

Sentence Rewriter

Harness the power of AI to rewrite and reword sentences of text with GrowthBar. Use it for essays, blog posts, love letters, or wherever else you need some writing assistance.